Basic Health Tips for Men

Being healthy doesn’t only refer to having buff muscles and well-toned abs. In order for you to have a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle, you need to consider other factors such as stress management issues and unhealthy vices such as smoking or drinking. Here’s a list of health tips that can help you achieve a better lifestyle:

Control Your Vices

If you smoke and drink a lot, you’re actually increasing your chances of developing lung cancer, heart disease, and other related illnesses. You’re also putting the health of those around you at risk everytime you smoke. This is because second-hand smoke has serious health consequences. As a matter of fact, many health advocates opt for a smoking-free lifestyle. Smoking habits may be difficult to break but choosing not to smoke at all is probably one of the best health decisions you can make.

Don’t Ignore Medical Examinations and Check-ups

Early prevention is a key factor against certain illnesses such as prostate and colon cancer. Aside from eating healthy foods and maintaining an active lifestyle, regular prostate serum antigen testing and colonoscopy can help. These tests are helpful especially if you have a family history of colon or prostate cancer. These two types of cancer may be cured during their early stages so it’s best to undergo regular screening tests for early detection.

Never Underestimate Safe Sex Practices

Using condoms during sex is one way of protecting you and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases. Even though STDs are not lethal except for AIDS, some sexually transmitted diseases can lead to serious disabilities. Infertility and pelvic pain in females are just some of the possible serious health consequences of STDs.

Use Sunscreen

Many women are known for their skin-moisturizing habits. As such, women use a variety of body creams, lotions, and skin butter for a smoother and fairer complexion. Men, on the other hand, may not be so keen on putting beauty or grooming products on their skin. However, one skin product that should be part of your grooming kit is a bottle of sunscreen. Daily use of sunscreen can protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.

ABC News

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